Simple Breathing … Step 4 … Your Boundaries

diaphragmatic breathing

Step 4…Your Boundaries

You do not need to put yourself through a fence…tie yourself up in knots…walk on eggshells…allow yourself to be walked all over like a doormat… or allow yourself to be pushed around (physically or emotionally) to be in a relationship. You do not need to allow yourself to lose your gut feeling especially if you feel like someone is lying to you.

Boundaries are part of the process of coping. You need to have healthy boundaries! You may also need to have boundaries for your children if they are young.

Boundaries may or may not be a new concept to you. Your boundaries may or may not exist. You may have very loose boundaries or very tight boundaries.

Only you can decide what your boundaries need to be. They need to keep you feeling safe and healthy…especially emotionally healthy.

What do you need to do to adjust your boundaries? Now is the time to start thinking about boundaries.

Begin by just noticing what your boundaries are. Think about your boundaries. Do you need to change your boundaries?

Think about what you could do differently. Try the change and see if it makes a difference. Does it help you cope better?

Changes may need to be made gradually and over time. It will take some time to learn your boundaries. So, be gentle with yourself and start slowly.

You can do it.