Simple Breathing … Your Body as Your Best Resource

diaphragmatic breathing

Your Body as Your Best Resource

There are days that are easy and life feels good. Then there are days that life seems to not go the way you want. Then there are times that life just feels explosive. 

It is in difficult times that your body is your best resource.

When life gets difficult, you are the only one that can control how you react to a situation regardless of how difficult it is.

You have to look after yourself before you can help anyone else. If the oxygen mask drops in an airplane, you must put it on yourself first. You put it on yourself first before helping anyone else.

This is the same in your life. You must look after yourself first.

The best way to look after yourself this includes ensuring you are using your body to help you calm yourself in difficult situations.

Learning to calm yourself in the next four steps helps to calm your emotions when they get out of control. This could be when you are emotions are high or when you do not feel like doing anything.

The right kind of breathing helps you keep your emotions in a normal range.

It also helps you when you need to have difficult conversations or do difficult things.

Continue reading to learn how to use your body as your best resource.

You can do it!